
Critiques, Part 5

December 23, 2008

This newcomer’s review contains the following moveset:

Chobobo by Pelikinesis

Chobobos are said to be the distant relative of Big Bird. How far the ancestry is currently unknown at this time.

I was going to add a quip about how we have modern day Chobobos (aka Ostrichs), but that sounds more like a history lesson. Let’s not get off-topic though. I noticed that you posted a picture of a FFXII Chobobo here, but stated the you are using a cartoonier version, which sounds better. However, I’m sure that there is a cartoonish picture somewhere.

The stats are pretty basic, for the most part. Don’t worry about the traction, cause I don’t think about it often. There’s one problem, though. You put the “jumping” as 10/10. The way it’s worded is okay, but I can only assume that he has 2 jumps that are perfect for the most part. He is a bird though, so I’m not sure if it should be more…

Let’s go with the standards. First, OMGWTFBBQ makes the move sound not so serious in your eyes: it looks slightly better without that word. The reason I said “slightly” is because the move does give info, like if it’s a swing or a leaning-polka kick. That’s not the only problem with the moves in general. I noticed that some moves have “!!!” somewhere in the moveset. Usually use something like this only when it’s very original and cool or it’s yell out loud. Sex kicks, ax kicks, and split kicks are not original, so don’t try this.

The Normals are good in fighting terms (although unoriginal), but grabs are a little overpowered, so I suggest a decrease of 1-2%. And Pummels are supposed to give damage so maybe 2% in this case. Not to mention those aerials superpowered (decrease 1% for each).

Now to the specials: First and foremost, you made the Neutral B very good, with the idea of defying gravity and such. Thumbs up to you. The down B, although out of place, is very original, sounds fair, and good. There’s some questions, like how far can he run, but you perfectly nailed it. Over B… is a disappointment compared with the other two mentioned and the up B can be confusing without the strategy read first. The Final Smash feels lacking compared with the specials as well(no damage counters).

Now to the extras: They really do look pretty good and funny despite the lack of content. *gasps* And what’s this… “Strategery”? Anyway, it really should be put near the top of the moveset in this case. It really helps doing something like that, as Up be sounds more like a chance game as of now.

All in All: Really good in concept. There are some quirks about some moves here but you did try your best. You can make the sentences flow together well like your down b. Try adding detail, making the playstyle on top, and think more about unlikely,but awesome moves. You have Potenial here, so show it.


One comment

  1. Thanks for the review. I’m sure my ability to write up good descriptions for attacks will SKYROCKET once I figure out what a Polka kick looks like.

    Ah, Polka dance moves….my one weakness.

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